
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Sochi 2014... Or Basic 8 (whichever comes first)

Six weeks ago marked my foray into the world of figure skating.  The product of a quarter life crisis, I decided to debunk the “can’t teach an old dog new tricks” cliché.  At 21, I am by no means 'old,' but lining up for class amongst students half my height certainly took the ego down a notch.  Walking into the rink, I see the quizzical expression from parents wondering why on earth I am skating next to their children, most of whom are half my age.      

I certainly have not mastered much of anything, other than falling, and even that lacks the grace of a skater.  I prefer the kamikaze approach, either thrusting my body into the boards or hoping that the extra 80 pounds I have on the young tikes will cushion the fall a bit.  After the first session of lessons, I have a very basic knowledge of 3-turns, Mohawks, waltz jumps and a horrendous two foot spin.

While I am keenly aware that I will never skate like Sasha Cohen, nor will the US Olympic Committee be sending my tickets to Sochi anytime soon, I am determined to learn something new and get out of my comfort zone.  Last week after class, a mother approached me and remarked, “you look like you are having so much fun,” and that was the truth- I haven’t had this much fun in a long time! Hearing that beats any 6.0 from a judge. 

Time on ice: 6 weeks
Beginning skill level: Bambi on ice
Ending skill level: Basic 8/ Freestyle 1


  1. I love to be a part of skating related blogs.

  2. Keep at it!!!! I started at 49 and am now 50. I skate every single time the doors are open and I wear skating dresses. I compete next week in Adult Level 2. I have classmates in LTS that are in late 60's and mid 70's and two more in ice dance in 60's. You will skyrocket after you start toward level 3. Congratulations!
